
Join the Joke Ring The Rules Html Codes Email Us

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit the Joke Ring. The Joke Ring represents a collection of web sites and home pages that strive to bring laughter and smiles to people surfing the web. This ring is suitable for the entire family to enjoy. The sites on this ring cover jokes, humorous stories, riddles, bizarre news headlines and more!

Step into the side splitting, toe tickling world of the Joke Ring.
Show me! Take me to a random Joke Ring Site!

If you are already part of Joke Ring, and need to edit your site's attributes (URL, e-mail address, site description, or password), enter your site ID and password below:

Site ID:

Your page's URL:
Your page's title:
Your e-mail address:
(The password allows you to later add others to the ring. Please do not forget it!)
If you have any problems, e-mail Joke Ring

Steps and Rules to Joining the Joke Ring

Please follow these closely to preserve the integrity of the ring!

1.Save a copy of the two Joke Ring graphics you see below. The one on the left is called jring.gif and the one on the right next.gif. [ Right click on the image and select "Save Image as".]

2.Please View, or Save the the code below, and add this fragment to the first page of your pet site. It contains the actual links and HTML code to create The Joke Link. [ Highlight the code and press to copy and then paste it in your document.]

3.Change the e-mail address and name so that they are your own.

4.Make sure the fragment points to images on your own site. The Joke Link link, should also point to https://members.tripod.com/~rotfl/jring.htm.

5.Fill out the below form to register your site and write down the Site ID number you are assigned. This will put your page in the Joke Link 'Queue', where it will remain there until someone adds you to the ring. This does not insert you in the ring; the actual insertion is done later.

6.Change the four references of:


so that the id= is followed by your Site ID number. For example, if your site ID is 685, the href should be something like:


7.E-mail the owner of an existing Joke Ring site and ask them to add you to the ring. Be sure to include your Site ID Number in the e-mail message. They will probably (hopefully) want to look at your page to make sure it is worthy of addition and make sure the Joke Ring HTML fragment on your page is okay.

8.After checking out your page, the existing Joke Ring site's owner will take your Site ID Number and use it to add you to the ring. You should then receive an e-mail telling you that you have been added to the ring.

9.That's it! You should now be able to navigate the entire ring until to make it back to your own page (although it may take a while). An easy way to make sure it is working is to go to the home page of the person who added you and see if the next button takes you to your own page.

<!-- Begin Joke Ring Fragment -->
<A HREF="https://members.tripod.com/~rotfl/jring.htm" TARGET="_top" onMouseOver="window.status='Joke Ring Home Page'; return true"><IMG SRC="jring.gif" ALT="Joke Ring Home Page" border=0></A></TD>
<FONT SIZE=2>This Joke Ring site owned by<BR>
<A HREF="mailto:_______________">_______</a><BR><BR>
[ <a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=laffs4u&id=____&next" TARGET="_top">Next Page</a> | <a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=laffs4u&id=____&random" TARGET="_top">Random</a> | <a href="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=laffs4u&id=___&next5" TARGET="_top">Next 5</a> ]<BR>
Want to join the ring? Get the <a href="https://members.tripod.com/~rotfl/jring.htm" TARGET="_top">info</a>.
<TD><A HREF="http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=laffs4u&id=____&next" TARGET="_top" onMouseOver="window.status='Next Joke Ring site';return true"> <IMG SRC="next.gif" border=0 ALT="Next Site" ALIGN=RIGHT></A></TD>
<!-- End Joke Ring Fragment -->

When you have it all set up on your page, it should look like this:

Joke Ring Home Page Joke Ring site owned by
Your Name Here

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Want to join the ring? Get the info.
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